Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Again, Ethan woke mommy up at around two this morning from his quivering and heavy breathing. Ethan was having fast sallow breathes. His heartbeat was racing and so was his temperature. Woke daddy up to let him know that we were heading to the ER at Fairoaks Hospital. I did not see the need to call 911 since we did that two weeks ago and ended up with nothing. I also did not want the chance of waiting until morning to see his doctor...the ride to the hospital took us less than twenty minutes. On our way into the hospital, I prayed to God to watch over Ethan and to keep him safe. All that I could do was kiss my son so that he would know that we are with him and that we love him dearly!It's strange that Ethan is fine and dandy during the day but by early morning, my baby is suffering so much! I nebuelized Ethan at eight thirty when he fell asleep and then waited until mid-night to give him another treatment. Before heading to the hospital, I gave Ethan some Advil to help with his temperature. By the time we arrived, Ethan's temperature was 104.6!

The nurse gave Ethan a Tylenol suppository and within an hour, Ethan's temperature came down to 103.4. Again, Ethan had 100 mg of Motrin and a cold compress on his forehead. Ethan had his chest x-ray, nose swap for RSV, ears checked for infections, throat check for signs of infections and blood work done...all came back normal. The doctor said that Ethan is trying to fight some sort of a viral infection. The doctor feared in giving Ethan any steroids and recommended for us to follow up with Ethan's doctor. The doctor said that Ethan may have bronchitis but unable to determine...just received a call from Ethan's doctor's office...WOW! They wanted to check up on Ethan. I was waiting for the office to open before calling this to make an appointment...great that they called me before hand. Mommy have to take Ethan in at 11:30 this morning. Ethan's been up since two this morning...hope that he can keep his energy up to fight whatever virus that's invading his little body.

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