Can't we just get better already? Daddy said that Ethan will not be going trick-or-treating since he is still not feeling well.
Yes, we are jumping the gun a bit since it's not until Sunday. I said to Van that that's not fair! Ethan missed his first Halloween ~ returned home from the Fairfax Hospital's NICU and we did not want Ethan to be exposed to anything. His second Halloween, we were not feeling well then too. Marisa took Ethan around the block and returned home with a hand full of candy! This was going to be the best one for Ethan since he's able to walk really well, okay, he's able to run really well! Although Ethan doesn't care much for the candy, I just wanted him to be out there with the rest of the kids. Marisa said that she was going to take Ethan around but we'll see. 
I've been trying on different costumes for Ethan but have not found THE one for Ethan. The fun part was putting different outfits on Ethan and watching him pose for pictures. I think my son is getting used to mommy taking a lot of pictures...can't help it!
We found a really cute costume that may be a perfect fit for Ethan. We loved the movie "How to train your dragon" so we thought that it would be nice to find a dragon costume for Ethan. Not just that, Ethan's school mascot is a dragon too!
Marisa went and got her flu shot today. Good girl! Of course the only person who still have not gotten one is daddy! I just want to make certain that my family are all protected especially with Ethan being so prone to getting sick.
Ethan is feeling much better...we could tell with him bouncing off the walls. Ethan is happy to have his daddy and sister pay attention to him. What a joy to see my son better!
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