Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Manic Monday ~ October 4, 2010

I've missed updating this blog on Monday so I'm trying to recapture what happened when the weekend ended. Manic Monday ~ for my darling Ethan.
We had dinner at Yai's house on Sunday so we did not return home until really late. Ethan loves to see his cousins, his aunts, his uncle & his grandmother. I can't believe that the weekend went by so quickly! I know that was bad on our part to get home so late on Sunday, especially when Marisa & Ethan have school in the morning.My children are definitely a THAN. My husband side of the family are very artistic, loves to sleep in, laughter is in their blood, carefree & fun loving folks. I guess that I am bragging a bit much but Ethan is just perfect! He loves life and is so curious about everything. In these pictures, Ethan was looking for birds & was mesmerized by this fallen leaf! I thought that it was going to be a rough day for Ethan but it turned out that he was fine. The teachers said that he did really well. Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic!

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