Saturday, December 4, 2010

Crazy Saturday

Went for a drive! Actually, Marisa drove to the South Riding recreation center to practice the Waltz for her friend's birthday party. Marisa thought that the rehearsal was at the Town Hall pool but then she found out that it was at the recreation center. Now I love my children with all of my heart and will but at times, they are really testing me. Marisa knew that we were supposed to be going to the Northern Virginia Down Syndrome Association's Christmas party. This would be Ethan's first time going. Ethan was unable to attend in previous celebrations due to illnesses and other issues. I was looking forward to having my entire family attend this event for Ethan.

When Marisa said that she had to be at the rehearsal for her friend's special day, I understood. When my husband was offer additional work for home delivery and home repair services, I understood. When I was asked to meet up with someone at around three at Tysons to pick up some stuff, I understood. I am only one person and sometimes it's really hard to stretch myself so thin! I just wanted to go to the party so that Ethan could be with other people who are just as touchy and affectionate as he. No one in my family seems to have understood the reason why it was really important for me to have everyone there for Ethan. I was more determined to have Ethan meet other children with Down so that I could be reassured that it's okay for Ethan to be affectionate and compassionate.

What I finally figured out was that it was me who was insecure about how Ethan was behaving. My thought was that if a child acts a certain way, it's a huge reflection of who their parents are. I thought that I was not giving all that I could give to my son even though I know that Ethan is just perfect. All kids are going to learn & display good and bad behaviors. I know that we just have to have patience and be there for Ethan to teach him the differences. The part that I'm worried about is whether my baby would understand the differences between the actions as being bad verses him being bad. I pray that my precious son understand how much we love him and that he will never be a bad boy. When I look at my Ethan, I’m at awe with how much he does comprehend what’s going on around him. When I ask for Ethan to do something, he’ll do it with a big smile. At times, Ethan is really stubborn to do what I am asking but hey, his daddy and his sister are just as stubborn when they don’t want to do something. This is not a Down thing but a Than thing. Please give me strength to break their stubbornness by allowing me to smoother them with an overwhelming love.

Ethan was such a delight at the Christmas party. My son was so happy to watch, listen and dance to two ladies singing on the stage. Ethan was quite a joy to watch ~ I love seeing my son laugh and run around. When other people approached Ethan with open arms, my heart melted seeing how warm and compassionate my son was towards them. I feel in my heart that my son does not have any mean bones in his body. Ethan is very loving, very gentle, very sweet, very kind, very funny, very inquisitive, very stubborn, and much loved. I know that as parents, we must teach our children to be cautious of people. With great sadness, I also know that I have to teach Ethan that there are people out there in this world who would hurt others. These people may not have to be total strangers, which is the worst part! I pray that my son will never have to experience any ugliness in his lifetime. I pray that I can stay strong for my baby and continue to teach him all that is good in this world.

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