Monday, September 20, 2010


Ethan missed school today! My sweet little angel got sick over the weekend...I knew that he was going to catch something sooner or later. I feel so miserable when Ethan is feeling terrible. He is now on antibiotics so I have to keep my eyes on him. I will need to keep my baby home for another day just so that I can take care of my angel. It's hard to see Ethan not being "clean" when he is in school. Ethan hates to have stuff on his hands, face and lips so he usually will let us know to wipe them ~ he'll grunt and show his dirty hands!

Marisa cuddled with her brother tonight. We are really smothering Ethan just because he wants to be held by everyone! When Marisa was holding Ethan and I touched his back. He told me to "op" for stop because he just wanted Marisa. Ethan got tired of telling me to stop so he sat up and mumbled a few words with his left arm stretched and finger pointed for me to go away. I asked Ethan if he wanted mommy to leave and he answered yes, yes! My goodness...right after, Ethan just hugged and kissed me...I guess he was joking. Just gave Ethan his medicine and daddy is holding Ethan to sleep. I wanted to write a little note to his teacher to let her know that Ethan will miss school again tomorrow. It's a good thing...I want to spend some time with Ethan anyways...I've missed not having him with me.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Oh no! I hope Ethan feels better the meantime...enjoy spending time with him! Miss you guys!