Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monkey see... monkey do

Van wanted to keep Ethan home again since he still has a runny nose. I know that it's best to be cautious especially when Ethan get sick. I've been nebuelizing him everyday & Ethan is almost finished with his medicine. Although Ethan is under the weather, he is still in great spirit!

Ethan wanted to do karate! Yes, we did our hi-ya's. Ethan also wanted to run in place, jump, jumping jacks, and my version of Thai boxing. The cutest thing was to watch Ethan so determined to follow everything that I was doing. I tried to do a high kick & Ethan followed. I got a glimpse of my reflection on the television screen and it's the funniest thing. All that I could do was laugh & of course, my little monkey bear laughed too ~ not realizing that his mommy looks pretty silly at this moment. I just love to see how Ethan looks at me ~ I believe that Ethan is thinking how amazing his mommy is! Either that or he may think how silly I am. Warms my heart any which way just to have these moments with Ethan.

I managed to take some pictures of him but of course, my camera is a really low grade version of what I'm dreaming to get. I'm working on getting a nice camera to capture every moments possible but for now, I'll settle for this old dinosaur!

My little monkey sat with me while trying to smother me with his kisses. It's hard to not laugh when Ethan does this just because I do the same thing to him! I also would hold his face with both hands & rubbed my nose with his (Eskimo kissing). Whatever this little monkey see, this little monkey will do. Van warned me about not letting Ethan see so much since he likes to imitate us ~ well, I think setting a good example for Ethan is the best that we can do to help him learn! Sometimes you just have to throw up your hands & arms & feet and say "what the hey"...if you can't laugh at your own self, then nobody else will want to laugh with you!

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