Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Made it...Ethan's first day of school :)

7: 00 A.M. Still Dreaming!

My, my, my!
I thought th
at I was going to lose my mind not having Ethan with me this morning. Van, Marisa and I piled into the car this morning to bid Ethan farewell...yes, that was how I felt. It felt like it was going to be a long good-bye, a lifetime of not having Ethan with me. I was so anxious for Ethan.

We arrived early...so early that we were the only folks in Ethan's class.

His teacher, Dr. Helen Neely, had to leave the room to pick up other students. Ethan sat in a chair in front of the room but Marisa directed Ethan to his own chair (a ye
llow plastic chair with his name on a triangle label). When another kid arrived, Ian, it was really nice. Ethan was instantly drawn to him...Ethan looked relieved that there was someone his own size around! Ian is 31/2 years old but very close to Ethan's size. Ian's mother said that he was a bit apprehensive about today but she was hoping that he would feel more settled later. Marisa went over to see Ethan and asked for a hug...he was so willing to give his big sister a big hug and a kiss :)

Once all the other children and teachers came into the room, we took turns leaving...all of us giving Ethan our hugs and kisses. When he turned around to grab a stuff dragon, Van and Marisa walked out of the room. One of his teacher distracted Ethan so that I could leave too. Once I closed the door, Ethan looked up and saw that we were all outside. He quickly went to put the dragon back and ran to the door. His teachers caught Ethan just as the door cracked open.
I did not want Ethan to think that we were never going to come back for him. I wanted to cry and was just waiting for a simple sign to tell me to go back in. My sweet baby did not cry! He allowed his teachers to lead him while I watched him in desperation. Yes, I desperately missed my baby and that's what I told him when I picked him up from school. Mixed emotions ~ I knew that this day would come when Ethan becomes independent but boy, I am not ready to let him go ~ not yet!

As I waited for my little angel to walk around the corner to where I was standing, I was a little nervous that Ethan would be sad. I thought that he would remember that I left him behind this morning. I was so wrong...as Ethan turned the corner, I saw Ethan holding his teacher's hand while she was trying to hold onto Ian too. She was trying to walk with two little boys and also carry Ethan's bags! I had a big smile on my face because I was so proud of my dear Ethan for being so brave and strong! It was so cute to watch three teachers trying to keep eight little kids in order while walking in the hallway. When Ethan saw me standing at the door...he ran over with open arms. My anxiety subsided once I saw Ethan's smiley face. What a journey it's been thus far!

1 comment:

Life Happens said...

What a sweet post. I didn't even know you were blogging regularly! I will add you to my blog roll.

I can't believe Ethan is in school! Sounds like he's enjoying it though.