In the words of my mother, "bo thong aang", this translates to don’t brag. In the words of my mother-in-law, "ruk kun tharot bai", which translates to love one another forever. Within the context of these words, I know how to measure true happiness in my life. Although I don't think that I'm bragging when I talk about my family, but what can I say when I feel so truly blessed? Am I too strange to think that we are special?
My mother has taught me that if you are doing a good deed, you don't have to brag about it. She said that "hit dee, dai dee", this translates to doing good and you will receive good. She said that even if others don't see the good that you are doing, all that matters is that you know yourself. In all the years that my mother has done good, she’s never had to announce to the world of what she's done. She never had to preach to others to follow her footsteps, but for me, I was fortunate enough to see all of the sacrifices that she's made. Now, I'm not saying that she's a saint...I know that we all have room for improvements and thank God that we still have a chance to do so. What I’ve passed on to my children is for them to just do good even if you don’t receive good. I never want my children to expect anything in return when they give from their heart…not even praises from others. I’m teaching my children that the worst thing in the world is to feel obligated to do something rather than just doing something because they want or love to do.
As for my mother-in-law, what an amazing lady she is. She has taught me that no matter what is going on around me, as long as I have love or that I share my love with my children and my husband, then all will be fine. She said that nothing is worth my dignity so she said to always be honest. What I’ve gained from her is that I don’t have to pretend, in my words nor my actions. She said that being a good mother, the rewards is in seeing pure happiness in my children’s eyes. With this lesson, I’m able to pass along to my children that happiness is being true to oneself. I am teaching them that they must have passion and convictions. At times, it will be difficult to stand alone but knowing that they did not compromise their self-worth, they can still keep their heads held high.

True happiness is knowing your own worth without an entourage. Pure happiness is seeing how my children are to one another. True love is being able to look yourself in the mirror and unequivocally thank God that you are who you are.