Monday, November 29, 2010

Too much sugar

It was freezing this morning when we left for school. This was the first time that daddy did not drop Ethan off. Back to school for my little buddy and he was really good. Ethan did not fuss when we arrived in his class, he went straight to the train set! I missed my little baby...but the day went by so quickly!

Van left for work really early this morning but it was great that he came home early to take Ethan to M for some fries and chicken nuggets! When Marisa came home from school, daddy took both kids with him so that Marisa could get her Chipotle. A moment of peace for me...yeah! No, I actually doze off for when my gang left. It was nice to catch a little zzzzz since my boy was tossing and turning all night. I think Ethan had too much sugar right before bedtime. Well, Ethan had two clementines and one box of orange juice. Note to self, don't feed the baby any sugary stuff before going to took Ethan a long time to fall asleep and he was tossing and turning through out the night.

One thing for sure...Ethan was a great entertainer! He kept us smiling into the night with his singing and dancing. Marisa and daddy kept encouraging Ethan with their laughter! The dancing seem to go on and on...just to think, Ethan is normally an energized baby but since he's been powered by sugar, he can keep going and going and going. I hope that he gets enough sleep for school...hate to see him tired.

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