Tuesday, November 23, 2010

O Christmas Tree

My son, my super super helper! Yes, I've been slaving over our Christmas tree and the only helper in our home is my sweet baby boy. I'm so amazed with my little angel...I'm glad that Ethan is like me....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas!Ethan gathered all of the branches for the tree. He also tried to help with the lights but it was more work for me to get them untangled around Ethan! Ethan was able to put some of the ornaments up on the tree...so sweet watching Ethan in deep concentration when he was trying to find the perfect spot for the ornaments. My husband said that the tree looked nice...Marisa said that we are missing something on top. Well, in years past, we've topped the tree with an angel and a huge bow but this year, Marisa asked if we could get a star. I've been looking for the perfect star but have not been too successful. Not giving up...we'll fine one that's right for our silver, white and blue tree. It was easy last year because we decorated the tree with cold, white and red and I already had a huge red bow for the top!I asked my husband and my daughter to please try and continue this tradition for our Ethan. I just want one tradition that I love so much to be passed on to my children. I love everything about Thanksgiving and Christmas...when Marisa was young...she was a great helper too! In years past, we've always put the Christmas tree on or around Thanksgiving but since Ethan's been with us...I've been trying to have our tree up by my husband's birthday...thought that it would be a nice thing for our family to do together and plus to be able to enjoy the decorations much longer.

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