Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday with love

Ethan is's only been two days of summer school and my boy is so tired.  Well, he woke up at 6:15 am and I freaked.  I don't know if Ethan was dreaming but he was calling for me not realizing that I was next to him.  I know how difficult it is being apart & I wonder if Ethan was missing me too.

It was such a traumatic day for Ethan yesterday.  I went and waited for Ethan at our elementary  school but the bus driver ended up dropping Ethan in front of our house!  Oops!  I had checked the bus schedule & also confirmed with the school yesterday morning.  Behold, I was misinformed!  The bus driver called & told me that nobody was at the bus stop.  I rushed from the school back to the house & my blood was rising.  In my mind, I could see my baby's face.  I jumped out of the car & sprinted onto the bus.  I saw my Ethan's eyes.  Oh, so sad!  My heart just broke when I saw so much tears dripping from Ethan's face.  When Ethan saw my face, he closed his eyes, opened up his arms & just let himself go…drip, drip, and drip.  It felt like his heart was broken too because he was unable to see me at his bus stop!  My poor boy...don't you know how much mommy loves you?  I just wanted to see his beautiful happy face again...after our long embrace, Ethan finally looked upon my face.  He smiled and said, "Mommy" and then continued to hold me really tight.  Yes, Ethan...mommy is extremely sorry & I too love you!

Today, both Marisa and I waited for Ethan at the bus stop.  When we saw the big yellow bus coming around the corner, Marisa jumped out of the car and I followed.  Ethan almost was in tears but when he saw both of us as the door opened; his smile reassured us that everything was just fine!  

1 comment:

Life Happens said...

Awww...I can only imagine how he must have felt not seeing you at the bus stop. But then upon seeing you how safe and loved he felt!