Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cross our fingers and our toes

Ethan is back at school!  It was really difficult for me to send Ethan to school because I despise it so much when my baby is sick.  Seeing my baby suffers and not having the ability to help him just makes me feel so helpless.  But, Ethan is such a fighter and has taught me to have patience ~ state of endurance under difficult circumstances, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or pain.  Oh how fortunate I am to have this little angel. 

My heart felt like it has wings when I saw Ethan's face gleaming as we approached the front steps of his school.  Ethan was so excited that he lost his right shoe while prancing to his room.  If Ethan could have his way, he would go barefoot.  I would not go as far as to say that he refuses to wear shoes, because he loves to put mine, Marisa’s and dad’s.  Keeping shoes on when mommy wants Ethan to do so is a huge task but when Ethan does it on his own, he’s happy as a clam.  I guess he is very Asian in this way because it is our custom that we take off our shoes when entering our home or the homes of others.

Watching my son shine while waltzing through the hallway brought tears to my eyes.  My thought for that moment was, "WOW, I wish that all kids were like my angel...full of life, full of love, full of wonder, full of joy, full of patience, full of forgiveness, and full of happiness!"  What a blessing Ethan is in my life.  It was an overwhelming feeling of great pride when Ethan glided through the hallway like he was floating in the heavens saying “HI” and sharing his huge smile with everyone.  No mothers could be more proud than I was at that moment.  Thank you for allowing me to be of a great witness to Ethan’s journey and continued miracle.

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